Source code for spinn_utilities.conf_loader

# Copyright (c) 2017 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from configparser import NoOptionError
import logging
import os
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import appdirs
from typing_extensions import TypeAlias

from spinn_utilities import log
from spinn_utilities.configs import (
    CamelCaseConfigParser, ConfigTemplateException,
    NoConfigFoundException, UnexpectedConfigException)
logger = log.FormatAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))
_SectionParser: TypeAlias = Callable[[CamelCaseConfigParser], None]

[docs] def install_cfg_and_error( filename: str, defaults: List[str], config_locations: List[str]) -> NoConfigFoundException: """ Installs a local configuration file based on the templates and raises an exception. This method is called when no user configuration file is found. It will create a file in the users home directory based on the defaults. Then it prints a helpful message and throws an error with the same message. :param str filename: Name under which to save the new configuration file :param list(str) defaults: List of full paths to the default configuration files. Each of which *must* have an associated template file with exactly the same path plus `.template`. :param list(str) config_locations: List of paths where the user configuration files were looked for. Only used for the message :raise spinn_utilities.configs.NoConfigFoundException: Always raised """ home_cfg = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), f".{filename}") found = False with open(home_cfg, "w", encoding="utf-8") as dst: for source in defaults: template = source + ".template" if os.path.isfile(template): if found: raise ConfigTemplateException( f"Second template found at {template}") with open(source + ".template", "r", encoding="utf-8") as src: dst.write( dst.write("\n") found = True if not found: if defaults: raise ConfigTemplateException( f"No template file found for {defaults}") else: raise ConfigTemplateException( f"No default cfg files found. " f"New {home_cfg} will be empty") dst.write("\n# Additional config options can be found in:\n") for source in defaults: dst.write(f"# {source}\n") dst.write("\n# Copy any additional settings you want to change" " here including section headings\n") msg = (f'Unable to find config file in any of the following locations: \n' f'{config_locations}\n' f'**********************************************************\n' f'{home_cfg} has been created. \n' f'Please edit this file and change "None" after "machineName" ' f'to the hostname or IP address of your SpiNNaker board, ' f'and change "None" after "version" to the version of ' f'SpiNNaker hardware you are running on:\n' f'[Machine]\n' f'machineName = None\n' f'version = None\n' f'***********************************************************\n') print(msg) return NoConfigFoundException(msg)
[docs] def logging_parser(config: CamelCaseConfigParser): """ Create the root logger with the given level. Create filters based on logging levels .. note:: You do not normally need to call this function; it is used automatically to parse Logging configuration sections. """ try: if config.getboolean("Logging", "instantiate"): level = config.get("Logging", "default").upper() logging.basicConfig(level=level) for handler in logging.root.handlers: handler.addFilter( log.ConfiguredFilter(config)) # type: ignore[arg-type] handler.setFormatter(log.ConfiguredFormatter(config)) except NoOptionError: pass
def _check_config( cfg_file: str, default_configs: CamelCaseConfigParser, strict: bool): """ Checks the configuration read up to this point to see if it is outdated. Once one difference is found a full reports is generated and an error raised. Any section specifically listed as Dead will cause a error Any section in the default_cfg should not have extra values. It will never have less as the default_cfg are in the configuration. Errors on any values listed as PreviousValues. These are specific values in specific options no longer supported. For example old algorithm names. :param str cfg_file: Path of last file read in :param CamelCaseConfigParser default_configs: configuration with just the default files in :param bool strict: Flag to say an exception should be raised """ if not default_configs.sections(): # empty logger.warning("Can not validate cfg files as no default.") return configs = CamelCaseConfigParser() msg = "" for section in configs.sections(): if default_configs.has_section(section): for option in configs.options(section): if not default_configs.has_option(section, option): msg += f"Unexpected Option: [{section}]{option}\n" else: msg += f"Unexpected Section: [{section}]\n" if msg: msg += f"found in {cfg_file}" if strict: raise UnexpectedConfigException(msg) else: logger.warning(msg) def _read_a_config( configuration: CamelCaseConfigParser, cfg_file: str, default_configs: CamelCaseConfigParser, strict: bool): """ Reads in a configuration file and then directly its `machine_spec_file`. :param CamelCaseConfigParser configuration: configuration to be updated by the reading of a file :param str cfg_file: path to file which should be read in :param CamelCaseConfigParser default_configs: configuration with just the default files in :param bool strict: Flag to say checker should raise an exception """ _check_config(cfg_file, default_configs, strict) if configuration.has_option("Machine", "machine_spec_file"): machine_spec_file = configuration.get("Machine", "machine_spec_file") _check_config(machine_spec_file, default_configs, strict) configuration.remove_option("Machine", "machine_spec_file") def _config_locations(filename: str) -> List[str]: """ Defines the list of places we can get configuration files from. :param str filename: The local name of the configuration file, e.g., 'spynnaker.cfg' :return: list of fully-qualified filenames :rtype: list(str) """ dotname = "." + filename # locations to read as well as default later overrides earlier system_config_cfg_file = os.path.join(appdirs.site_config_dir(), dotname) user_config_cfg_file = os.path.join(appdirs.user_config_dir(), dotname) user_home_cfg_file = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), dotname) # locations to read as well as default later overrides earlier return [system_config_cfg_file, user_config_cfg_file, user_home_cfg_file]
[docs] def load_config( filename: str, defaults: List[str], config_parsers: Union[ Sequence[Tuple[str, _SectionParser]], Dict[str, _SectionParser]] = ()) -> CamelCaseConfigParser: """ Load the configuration. :param str filename: The base name of the configuration file(s). Should not include any path components. :param list(str) defaults: The list of files to get default configurations from. :param config_parsers: The parsers to parse the sections of the configuration file with, as a list of (section name, parser) or a dictionary from section name to parser; a configuration section will only be parsed if the section_name is found in the configuration files already loaded. The standard logging parser is appended to (a copy of) this. :type config_parsers: list(tuple(str, ~configparser.RawConfigParser)) :return: the fully-loaded and checked configuration :rtype: ~configparser.RawConfigParser """ configs = CamelCaseConfigParser() # locations to read as well as default later overrides earlier config_locations = _config_locations(filename) if not any(os.path.isfile(f) for f in config_locations): if defaults: raise install_cfg_and_error( filename, defaults, config_locations) else: logger.error("No default cfg files provided") default_configs = CamelCaseConfigParser() for cfg_file in config_locations: _read_a_config(configs, cfg_file, default_configs, False) cfg_file = os.path.join(os.curdir, filename) _read_a_config(configs, cfg_file, default_configs, True) parsers = dict(config_parsers) parsers["Logging"] = logging_parser for section in parsers: if configs.has_section(section): parsers[section](configs) # Log which configs files we read print(configs.read_files)"Read configs files: {}", ", ".join(configs.read_files)) return configs