Source code for spinn_utilities.make_tools.file_converter

# Copyright (c) 2018 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import enum
import os
import re
from spinn_utilities.exceptions import UnexpectedCException
from .log_sqllite_database import LogSqlLiteDatabase

TOKEN = chr(30)  # Record Separator

COMMA_SPLIITER = re.compile(r'(?!\B"[^"]*),(?![^"]*"\B)')
STRING_REGEXP = re.compile(r'"([^"]|\\"|(""))*"')
FORMAT_EXP = re.compile(r"(%+\d*(?:\.\d+)?[cdfiksuxRFK])")
LOG_END_REGEX = re.compile(r'\)(\s)*;')
END_COMMENT_REGEX = re.compile(r"/*/")
LOG_START_REGEX = re.compile(
DOUBLE_HEX = ", double_to_upper({0}), double_to_lower({0})"
LEVELS = {"log_info(": 20,
          "log_error(": 40,
          "log_debug(": 10,
          "log_warning(": 30}

MINIS = {"log_info(": "log_mini_info(",
         "log_error(": "log_mini_error(",
         "log_debug(": "log_mini_debug(",
         "log_warning(": "log_mini_warning("}

class State(enum.Enum):
    Status values.
    COMMENT = 1
    IN_LOG = 2

[docs] class FileConverter(object): """ Converts a file. See :py:meth:`convert`. """ __slots__ = [ "_log_database", "_log_file_id", "_log", "_log_full", "_log_lines", "_log_start", "_previous_status", "_src", "_status", "_too_many_lines" ] def __call__(self, src, dest, log_file_id, log_database): """ Creates the file_convertor to convert one file. :param str src: Absolute path to source file :param str dest: Absolute path to destination file :param int log_file_id: Id in the database for this file :param LogSqlLiteDatabase log_database: The database which handles the mapping of id to log messages. """ #: Absolute path to source file #: #: :type: str self._src = src #: Database which handles the mapping of id to log messages #: #: :type: .log_sqllite_database.LogSqlLiteDatabase self._log_database = log_database #: Id in the database for this file #: #: :type: int self._log_file_id = log_file_id #: Current status of state machine #: #: :type: State self._status = None #: Number of extra lines written to modified not yet recovered #: Extra lines are caused by the header and possibly log comment #: Extra lines are recovered by omitting blank lines #: #: :type: int self._too_many_lines = None #: Variables created each time a log method found #: original c log method found #: #: :type: str self._log = None #: Log methods found so far #: #: :type: str self._log_full = None #: Number of c lines the log method takes #: #: :type: int self._log_lines = None #: Any other stuff found before the log method but on same line #: #: :type: str self._log_start = None # variable created when a comment found #: The previous state #: #: :type: State self._previous_status = None with open(src, encoding="utf-8") as src_f: with open(dest, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as dest_f: dest_f.write( f"// DO NOT EDIT! THIS FILE WAS GENERATED FROM " f"{os.path.relpath(src, dest)}\n\n") self._too_many_lines = 2 self._status = State.NORMAL_CODE for line_num, text in enumerate(src_f): if self._too_many_lines > 0: # Try to recover the lines added by do not edit check = text.strip() if len(check) == 0 or check == "*": self._too_many_lines -= 1 continue previous_status = self._status if not self._process_line(dest_f, line_num, text): self._status = previous_status self._process_chars(dest_f, line_num, text) self._check_end_status() def _check_end_status(self): if self._status == State.NORMAL_CODE: return if self._status == State.IN_LOG: raise UnexpectedCException( f"Unclosed {self._log}{self._log_full} in {self._src}") if self._status == State.IN_LOG_CLOSE_BRACKET: raise UnexpectedCException( f"Semicolumn missing: " f"{self._log}{self._log_full} in {self._src}") if self._status == State.COMMENT: raise UnexpectedCException( f"Unclosed block comment in {self._src}") raise NotImplementedError(f"Unexpected status {self._status}") def _process_line(self, dest_f, line_num, text): """ Process a single line. :param dest_f: Open file like Object to write modified source to :param int line_num: Line number in the source c file :param str text: Text of that line including whitespace :return: True if and only if the whole line was processed :rtype: bool """ if self._status == State.COMMENT: return self._process_line_in_comment(dest_f, text) if "/*" in text: return self._process_line_comment_start(dest_f, line_num, text) if self._status == State.IN_LOG: return self._process_line_in_log(dest_f, line_num, text) if self._status == State.IN_LOG_CLOSE_BRACKET: return self._process_line_in_log_close_bracket( dest_f, line_num, text) assert self._status == State.NORMAL_CODE return self._process_line_normal_code(dest_f, line_num, text) def _process_line_in_comment(self, dest_f, text): """ Process a single line when in a multi-line comment: ``/* .. */`` :param dest_f: Open file like Object to write modified source to :param str text: Text of that line including whitespace :return: True if and only if the whole line was processed :rtype: bool """ if "*/" in text: stripped = text.strip() match = if match.end(0) == len(stripped): # OK Comment until end of line dest_f.write(text) self._status = State.NORMAL_CODE return True return False # Stuff after comment so check by character # Whole line in comment without end dest_f.write(text) return True def _process_line_comment_start(self, dest_f, line_num, text): """ Processes a line known assumed to contain a ``/*`` but not know where. There is also the assumption that the start status is not ``COMMENT``. :param dest_f: Open file like Object to write modified source to :param int line_num: Line number in the source c file :param str text: Text of that line including whitespace :return: True if and only if the whole line was processed :rtype: bool """ stripped = text.strip() if stripped.startswith("/*"): self._previous_status = self._status self._status = State.COMMENT # Comment start so now check for comment end return self._process_line(dest_f, line_num, text) # Stuff before comment so check by char return False # More than one possible end so check by char def _process_line_in_log(self, dest_f, line_num, text): """ Process a line when the status is a log call has been started. :param dest_f: Open file like Object to write modified source to :param int line_num: Line number in the source c file :param str text: Text of that line including whitespace :return: True if and only if the whole line was processed :rtype: bool """ stripped = text.strip() if stripped.startswith("//"): # Just a comment line so write and move on dest_f.write(text) return True match = if not match: if stripped[-1:] == ")": # possible start of end self._status = State.IN_LOG_CLOSE_BRACKET self._log_full += stripped self._log_lines += 1 return True if match.end(0) < len(stripped): # Stuff after the log_end so check by char return False self._log_lines += 1 self._log_full += stripped self._write_log_method(dest_f, line_num) self._status = State.NORMAL_CODE return True def _process_line_in_log_close_bracket(self, dest_f, line_num, text): """ Process where the last log line has the ``)`` but not the ``;`` :param dest_f: Open file like Object to write modified source to :param int line_num: Line number in the source c file :param str text: Text of that line including whitespace :return: True if and only if the whole line was processed :rtype: bool """ stripped = text.strip() if len(stripped) == 0: self._log_lines += 1 return True if stripped[0] == ";": if stripped == ";": self._log_full += (";") self._log_lines += 1 self._write_log_method(dest_f, line_num) self._status = State.NORMAL_CODE return True else: return False elif stripped.startswith("//"): # Just a comment line so write and move on dest_f.write(text) return True else: # so not a closing bracket so set status back self._status = State.IN_LOG return self._process_line_in_log(dest_f, line_num, text) def _process_line_normal_code(self, dest_f, line_num, text): """ Process a line where the status is normal code. :param dest_f: Open file like Object to write modified source to :param int line_num: Line number in the source c file :param str text: Text of that line including whitespace :return: True if and only if the whole line was processed :rtype: bool """ stripped = text.strip() match = if not match: # No log start found after all dest_f.write(text) return True if match.start() > 0: if stripped.startswith("//"): # Just a comment line so write and move on dest_f.write(text) return True # Stuff before the log_start so check by character return False if, 1): # Second start found so check by character return False # remove white spaces and save log command self._log_start = text.index( self._log = "".join( start_len = self._log_start + len(self._log) self._status = State.IN_LOG self._log_full = "" # text saved in process_line_in_log self._log_lines = 0 # Now check for the end of log command return self._process_line_in_log(dest_f, line_num, text[start_len:])
[docs] def quote_part(self, text): """ Net count of double quotes in line. :param str text: :rtype: int """ return (text.count('"') - text.count('\\"')) % 2 > 0
[docs] def bracket_count(self, text): """ Net count of open brackets in line. :param str text: :rtype: int """ return (text.count('(') - text.count(')'))
[docs] def split_by_comma_plus(self, main, line_num): """ Split line by comma and partially parse. :param str main: :param int line_num: :rtype: list(str) :raises UnexpectedCException: """ try: parts = main.split(",") for i, part in enumerate(parts): check = part.strip() if check[0] == '"': # Dealing with a String if check[-1] == '"': if check[-2] != '\\': # Part is a full sting fine continue # Save start of String and get next part new_part = parts.pop(i) next_part = parts.pop(i) new_check = next_part.strip() while new_check[-1] != '"' or new_check[-2] == '\\': # Still not end of String so add and get next new_part += "," + next_part next_part = parts.pop(i) new_check = next_part.strip() # Add the end and put back new in the list new_part += "," + next_part parts.insert(i, new_part) else: # Not a String so look for function count = self.bracket_count(part) if count > 0: # More opening and closing brackets so in function new_part = parts.pop(i) # Keep combining parts until you find the last closing while count > 0: next_part = parts.pop(i) count += self.bracket_count(next_part) new_part += "," + next_part # Put the new part back into the list parts.insert(i, new_part) if parts[0][0] == '"' and parts[0][-1] == '"': parts[0] = parts[0][1:-1] return parts except Exception as e: raise UnexpectedCException(f"Unexpected line {self._log_full} " f"at {line_num} in {self._src}") from e
def _short_log(self, line_num): """ Shortens the log string message and adds the ID. :param int line_num: Current line number :return: shorten form :rtype: str """ try: match = main = self._log_full[:-len(] except Exception as e: raise UnexpectedCException( f"Unexpected line {self._log_full} at " f"{line_num} in {self._src}") from e parts = self.split_by_comma_plus(main, line_num) original = parts[0] message_id = self._log_database.set_log_info( LEVELS[self._log], line_num + 1, original, self._log_file_id) count = original.count("%") - original.count("%%") * 2 if count == 0: return f'"%u", {message_id});' front = '"%u' back = "" matches = [x for x in FORMAT_EXP.findall(original) if not x.startswith("%%")] if len(matches) != count: raise UnexpectedCException( f"Unexpected formatString in {original}") if len(parts) < count + 1: raise UnexpectedCException( f"Too few parameters in line {self._log_full} " f"at {line_num} in {self._src}") if len(parts) > count + 1: raise UnexpectedCException( f"Too many parameters in line {self._log_full} " f"at {line_num} in {self._src}") for i, match in enumerate(matches): front += TOKEN if match.endswith("f"): front += "%x" back += f", float_to_int({parts[i + 1]})" elif match.endswith("F"): front += "%x" + TOKEN + "%x" back += DOUBLE_HEX.format(parts[i + 1]) else: back += f", {parts[i + 1]}" front += match front += f'", {message_id}' back += ");" return front + back def _write_log_method(self, dest_f, line_num, tail=""): """ Writes the log message and the dict value. Writes the log call to the destination - New log method used - Shortened log message (with just an id) used - Parameters kept as is - Old log message with full text added as comment :param dest_f: Open file like Object to write modified source to :param int line_num: Line number in the source C file :param str text: Text of that line including whitespace """ self._log_full = self._log_full.replace('""', '') short_log = self._short_log(line_num) dest_f.write(" " * self._log_start) dest_f.write(MINIS[self._log]) dest_f.write(short_log) if self._log_lines == 0: # Writing an extra newline here so need to recover that ASAP self._too_many_lines += 1 end = tail + "\n" if self._log_lines <= 1: dest_f.write(" /* ") dest_f.write(self._log) dest_f.write(self._log_full) dest_f.write("*/") dest_f.write(end) else: dest_f.write(tail) dest_f.write(end) dest_f.write(" " * self._log_start) dest_f.write("/* ") dest_f.write(self._log) dest_f.write(self._log_full) dest_f.write("*/") dest_f.write(end * (self._log_lines - 1)) def _process_chars(self, dest_f, line_num, text): """ Deals with complex lines that can not be handled in one go. :param dest_f: Open file like Object to write modified source to :param int line_num: Line number in the source c file :param str text: Text of that line including whitespace :raises UnexpectedCException: """ position = 0 write_flag = 0 while text[position] != "\n": if self._status == State.COMMENT: if text[position] == "*" and text[position+1] == "/": dest_f.write(text[write_flag:position + 2]) position = position + 2 write_flag = position self._status = self._previous_status else: position = position + 1 elif text[position] == "/": if text[position+1] == "*": if self._status == State.IN_LOG: self._log_full += text[write_flag:position].strip() if self._log_full[-1] == ")": self._status = State.IN_LOG_CLOSE_BRACKET # NO change to self._log_lines as newline not removed else: dest_f.write(text[write_flag:position]) write_flag = position position = position + 2 # leave the /* as not written self._previous_status = self._status self._status = State.COMMENT elif text[position+1] == "/": if self._status == State.IN_LOG: self._log_full += text[write_flag:position].strip() # NO change to self._log_lines as newline not removed dest_f.write(text[position:]) else: dest_f.write(text[write_flag:]) return # Finished line else: position += 1 elif text[position] == '"': str_pos = position + 1 while text[str_pos] != '"': if text[str_pos] == "\n": raise UnexpectedCException( f"Unclosed string literal in {self._src} " f"at line: {line_num}") elif text[str_pos] == "\\": if text[str_pos+1] == "\n": raise UnexpectedCException( f"Unclosed string literal in {self._src} " f"at line: {line_num}") else: str_pos += 2 # ignore next char which may be a " else: str_pos += 1 position = str_pos + 1 continue elif self._status == State.IN_LOG: if text[position] == ")": match = LOG_END_REGEX.match(text[position:]) if match: # include the end position = position + len( self._log_full += text[write_flag:position].strip() self._status = State.NORMAL_CODE if text[position:].strip(): # Stuff left write_flag = position # self._log_lines not changed as no newline # check for a \ after the log if text[position:].strip() == "\\": self._write_log_method(dest_f, line_num, "\\") return else: self._write_log_method(dest_f, line_num) else: self._log_lines += 1 self._write_log_method(dest_f, line_num) return # Finished line else: # not the require ); so continue position += 1 else: position += 1 elif self._status == State.IN_LOG_CLOSE_BRACKET: stripped = text.strip() if stripped[0] == ";": self._log_full += (";") self._write_log_method(dest_f, line_num) position = text.index(";") + 1 write_flag = position self._status = State.NORMAL_CODE else: # Save the ) as not part of the end self._status = State.IN_LOG elif text[position] == "l": match = LOG_START_REGEX.match(text[position:]) if match: self._log_start = text.index( self._log = "".join( self._status = State.IN_LOG self._log_full = "" # text saved after while self._log_lines = 0 dest_f.write(text[write_flag:position]) # written up to not including log_start # skip to end of log instruction position = position + len( write_flag = position else: # Not a log start after all so treat as normal test position += 1 else: position += 1 # after while text[position] != "\n" if self._status == State.IN_LOG: self._log_full += text[write_flag:].strip() self._log_lines += 1 else: dest_f.write(text[write_flag:])
[docs] @staticmethod def convert(src_dir, dest_dir, file_name): """ Static method to create Object and do the conversion. :param str src_dir: Source directory :param str dest_dir: Destination directory :param str file_name: The name of the file to convert within the source directory; it will be made with the same name in the destination directory. """ source = os.path.join(src_dir, file_name) if not os.path.exists(source): raise UnexpectedCException(f"Unable to locate source {source}") if not os.path.exists(dest_dir): os.makedirs(dest_dir) destination = os.path.join(dest_dir, file_name) with LogSqlLiteDatabase() as log_database: directory_id = log_database.get_directory_id(src_dir, dest_dir) file_id = log_database.get_file_id(directory_id, file_name) FileConverter()(source, destination, file_id, log_database)