Source code for spinn_utilities.overrides

# Copyright (c) 2017 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import inspect
import os
from types import FunctionType, MethodType
from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, Optional, TypeVar

#: :meta private:
Method = TypeVar("Method", bound=Callable[..., Any])

#  pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs] class overrides(object): """ A decorator for indicating that a method overrides another method in a superclass. This checks that the method does actually exist, copies the doc-string for the method, and enforces that the method overridden is specified, making maintenance easier. """ # This near constant is changed by unit tests to check our code # Github actions sets TYPE_OVERRIDES as True __CHECK_TYPES = os.getenv("TYPE_OVERRIDES") __slots__ = [ # The method in the superclass that this method overrides "_superclass_method", # True if the doc string is to be extended, False to set if not set "_extend_doc", # Any additional arguments required by the subclass method "_additional_arguments", # True if the subclass method may have additional defaults "_extend_defaults", # True if the name check is relaxed "_relax_name_check", # The name of the thing being overridden for error messages "_override_name", # True if this method adds typing info not in the original "_adds_typing" ] def __init__( self, super_class_method, *, extend_doc: bool = True, additional_arguments: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, extend_defaults: bool = False, adds_typing: bool = False,): """ :param super_class_method: The method to override in the superclass :param bool extend_doc: True the method doc string should be appended to the super-method doc string, False if the documentation should be set to the super-method doc string only if there isn't a doc string already :param iterable(str) additional_arguments: Additional arguments taken by the subclass method over the superclass method, e.g., that are to be injected :param bool extend_defaults: Whether the subclass may specify extra defaults for the parameters :param adds_typing: Allows more typing (of non additional) than in the subclass. Should only be used for built in super classes """ if isinstance(super_class_method, property): super_class_method = super_class_method.fget if not isinstance(super_class_method, (FunctionType, MethodType)): raise TypeError("may only decorate method declarations; " f"this is a {type(super_class_method)}") self._superclass_method = super_class_method self._extend_doc = bool(extend_doc) self._extend_defaults = bool(extend_defaults) self._relax_name_check = False self._override_name = "super class method" if additional_arguments is not None: self._additional_arguments = frozenset(additional_arguments) else: self._additional_arguments = frozenset() self._adds_typing = adds_typing @staticmethod def __match_defaults(default_args, super_defaults, extend_ok): if default_args is None: return super_defaults is None elif super_defaults is None: return extend_ok if extend_ok: return len(default_args) >= len(super_defaults) return len(default_args) == len(super_defaults) def _verify_types(self, method_args, super_args, all_args): """ Check that the arguments match. """ if not self.__CHECK_TYPES: return if "self" in all_args: all_args.remove("self") elif "cls" in all_args: all_args.remove("cls") method_types = method_args.annotations super_types = super_args.annotations for arg in all_args: if arg not in super_types and not self._adds_typing: raise AttributeError( f"Super Method {self._superclass_method.__name__} " f"has untyped arguments including {arg}") if arg not in method_types: raise AttributeError( f"Method {self._superclass_method.__name__} " f"has untyped arguments including {arg}") if len(all_args) == 0: if "return" not in super_types and not self._adds_typing and \ not method_args.varkw and not method_args.varargs: raise AttributeError( f"Super Method {self._superclass_method.__name__} " f"has no arguments so should declare a return type") if "return" not in method_types and \ not method_args.varkw and not method_args.varargs: raise AttributeError( f"Method {self._superclass_method.__name__} " f"has no arguments so should declare a return type") if "return" in super_types: if "return" not in method_types: if super_types["return"] is not None: raise AttributeError( f"Method {self._superclass_method.__name__} " f"has no return type, while super does") else: if "return" in method_types and not self._adds_typing: if method_types["return"] is not None: raise AttributeError( f"Super Method {self._superclass_method.__name__} " f"has no return type, while this does") def __verify_method_arguments(self, method: Method): """ Check that the arguments match. """ method_args = inspect.getfullargspec(method) super_args = inspect.getfullargspec(self._superclass_method) all_args = [ arg for arg in method_args.args if arg not in self._additional_arguments] default_args = None if method_args.defaults is not None: default_args = [ arg for arg in method_args.defaults if arg not in self._additional_arguments] if len(all_args) != len(super_args.args): raise AttributeError( f"Method has {len(method_args.args)} arguments but " f"{self._override_name} has {len(super_args.args)} arguments") for arg, super_arg in zip(all_args, super_args.args): if arg != super_arg: raise AttributeError(f"Missing argument {super_arg}") if not self.__match_defaults( default_args, super_args.defaults, self._extend_defaults): raise AttributeError( f"Default arguments don't match {self._override_name}") self._verify_types(method_args, super_args, all_args) def __call__(self, method: Method) -> Method: """ Apply the decorator to the given method. """ # Check and fail if this is a property if isinstance(method, property): raise AttributeError( f"Please ensure that the {self.__class__.__name__} decorator " "is the last decorator before the method declaration") # Check that the name matches if (not self._relax_name_check and method.__name__ != self._superclass_method.__name__): raise AttributeError( f"{self._override_name} name " f"{self._superclass_method.__name__} does not match " f"{method.__name__}. Ensure {self.__class__.__name__} is the " "last decorator before the method declaration") # Check that the arguments match (except for __init__ as this might # take extra arguments or pass arguments not specified) if method.__name__ != "__init__": self.__verify_method_arguments(method) if (self._superclass_method.__doc__ is not None and method.__doc__ is None): method.__doc__ = self._superclass_method.__doc__ elif (self._extend_doc and self._superclass_method.__doc__ is not None): method.__doc__ = ( self._superclass_method.__doc__ + (method.__doc__ or "")) return method
[docs] @classmethod def check_types(cls): """ If called will trigger check that all parameters are checked. Used for testing, to avoid users being affected by the strict checks """ cls.__CHECK_TYPES = True