Source code for spinn_utilities.ranged.abstract_view

# Copyright (c) 2017 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Generic, Iterable, Optional, Union, TYPE_CHECKING
from spinn_utilities.overrides import overrides
from .abstract_dict import AbstractDict, T
    from .range_dictionary import RangeDictionary

[docs] class AbstractView( # pylint: disable=abstract-method AbstractDict[T], Generic[T]): """ A view over a ranged dictionary. .. note:: The view may currently be read from only with int and int-collection indices, and only be written to with str indices. This may change to become more permissive in future versions. """ __slots__ = ["_range_dict"] def __init__(self, range_dict: RangeDictionary[T]): """ Use :py:meth:`RangeDictionary.view_factory` to create views """ self._range_dict = range_dict def __getitem__(self, key: Union[int, slice, Iterable[int]]): """ Support for the view[x] based the type of the key key is a str is currently not supported use get_value instead. In the future this may be supported to return some kind of list (AbstractList) but how to handle a view there to be determined For int and int collections a new view will be returned using :py:meth:`RangeDictionary.view_factory` .. note:: int are indexes into the list of IDs not ID values. So for a view with IDs [2,3,4,5] view[2] will have an ID of 4 :param key: str, int or collection of int :return: the single value for the str key or a view :raises MultipleValuesException: If the keys has multiple values set. But not if other keys not asked for have multiple values """ if isinstance(key, str): raise KeyError("view[key] is not supported Use get_value() ") ids = self.ids() if isinstance(key, (slice, int)): return self._range_dict.view_factory(ids[key]) return self._range_dict.view_factory([ids[i] for i in key]) def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: T): """ See :py:meth:`AbstractDict.set_value` .. note:: Unlike ``__getitem__``, int based IDs are *not* supported so ``view[int] ==`` will raise an exception """ if isinstance(key, str): return self.set_value(key=key, value=value) if isinstance(key, (slice, int, tuple, list)): raise KeyError("Setting of a slice/IDs not supported") raise KeyError(f"Unexpected key type: {type(key)}")
[docs] @overrides(AbstractDict.get_default) def get_default(self, key: str) -> Optional[T]: return self._range_dict.get_default(key)
[docs] @overrides(AbstractDict.keys) def keys(self) -> Iterable[str]: return self._range_dict.keys()