Source code for spinn_utilities.ranged.ranged_list

# Copyright (c) 2017 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
from import Sized
from typing import (
    Any, Callable, Generic, List, Iterable, Iterator, Optional, Sequence,
    Tuple, Union, cast, final)
from typing_extensions import TypeAlias, TypeGuard
from spinn_utilities.overrides import overrides
from spinn_utilities.helpful_functions import is_singleton
from .abstract_sized import Selector
from .abstract_list import AbstractList, T, _eq, IdsType
from .multiple_values_exception import MultipleValuesException

#: The type of a range descriptor
_RangeType: TypeAlias = Tuple[int, int, T]
# The type of things we consider to be a list of values
_ListType: TypeAlias = Union[Callable[[int], T], Sequence[T]]
# The type of value arguments in several places
_ValueType: TypeAlias = Optional[Union[T, _ListType]]

def function_iterator(
        function: Callable[[int], T], size: int,
        ids: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None) -> Iterable[T]:
    Converts a function into an iterator based on size or IDs.
    This so that the function can be used to create a list as in::

        list(function_iterator(lambda x: x * 2 , 3, ids=[2, 4, 6]))

    :param[[int],object] function:
        A function with one integer parameter that returns a value
    :param int size:
        The number of elements to put in the list. If used, the function will
        be called with ``range(size)``. Ignored if ``ids`` provided
    :param ids:
        A list of IDs to call the function for or ``None`` to use the size.
    :return: a sequence of values returned by the function
    if ids is None:
        ids = range(size)
    for _id in ids:
        yield function(_id)

[docs] class RangedList(AbstractList[T], Generic[T]): """ A list that is able to efficiently hold large numbers of elements that all have the same value. """ __slots__ = [ "_default", "_ranged_based", "_ranges"] def __init__( self, size: Optional[int] = None, value: _ValueType = None, key=None, use_list_as_value=False): """ :param size: Fixed length of the list; if ``None``, the value must be a sized object. :type size: int or None :param value: value to given to all elements in the list :type value: object or :param key: The dict key this list covers. This is used only for better Exception messages :param bool use_list_as_value: True if the value *is* a list """ if size is None: try: size = len(value) # type: ignore[arg-type] except TypeError as e: raise ValueError("value parameter must have a length to " "determine the unsupplied size") from e super().__init__(size=size, key=key) if not use_list_as_value and ( not self.is_list(value, size) or self.__length(value) != size): self._default: Optional[T] = cast(Optional[T], value) else: self._default = None self._ranges: Union[List[T], List[_RangeType]] self._ranged_based: Optional[bool] = None self.set_value(value, use_list_as_value=use_list_as_value) def __length(self, value: Any) -> int: if callable(value): return self._size if not isinstance(value, Sized): return 1 return len(value)
[docs] @overrides(AbstractList.range_based) def range_based(self) -> bool: return self._ranged_based or False
@property def __the_ranges(self) -> List[_RangeType]: assert self._ranged_based return cast(List[_RangeType], self._ranges) @property def __the_values(self) -> List[T]: assert not self._ranged_based return cast(List[T], self._ranges)
[docs] @overrides(AbstractList.get_value_by_id) def get_value_by_id(self, the_id: int) -> T: the_id = self._check_id_in_range(the_id) # If range based, find the range containing the value and return if self._ranged_based: for (_, stop, value) in self.__the_ranges: if the_id < stop: return value # pragma: no cover # Must never get here because the ID is in range raise ValueError # pragma: no cover # Non-range-based so just return the value return self.__the_values[the_id]
[docs] @overrides(AbstractList.get_single_value_by_slice) def get_single_value_by_slice( self, slice_start: int, slice_stop: int) -> T: slice_start, slice_stop = self._check_slice_in_range( slice_start, slice_stop) # If the list is formed of ranges... if self._ranged_based: found_value = False result = None # Go through the ranges until in range (assumed sorted) for (_, stop, value) in self.__the_ranges: # If we have found a range in the slice if slice_start < stop: # If we have already found a range in the slice, check the # value is the same if found_value: if not _eq(result, value): raise MultipleValuesException( self._key, result, value) # If this is the first range in the slice, store it else: result = value found_value = True # If we have found a range that finishes outside of the # slice, we have done, and can safely return the value if slice_stop <= stop: return value # This must be never possible, as the slices must be in range of # the list raise ValueError # pragma: no cover # A non-range based list just has lots of single values, so check # they are all the same within the slice result = self.__the_values[slice_start] for value in self.__the_values[slice_start+1: slice_stop]: if not _eq(result, value): raise MultipleValuesException(self._key, result, value) return result
[docs] @overrides(AbstractList.get_single_value_by_ids) def get_single_value_by_ids(self, ids: IdsType) -> T: # Take the first ID, and then simply check all the others are the same # This works for both range-based and non-range-based result = self.get_value_by_id(ids[0]) for id_value in ids[1:]: value = self.get_value_by_id(id_value) if not _eq(result, value): raise MultipleValuesException(self._key, result, value) return result
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[T]: """ Fast but *not* update-safe iterator of all elements. .. note:: Duplicate/Repeated elements are yielded for each ID. :return: yields each element one by one """ if self._ranged_based: for (start, stop, value) in self.__the_ranges: for _ in range(stop - start): yield value else: for value in self.__the_values: yield value
[docs] @overrides(AbstractList.iter_by_slice) def iter_by_slice(self, slice_start: int, slice_stop: int) -> Iterator[T]: slice_start, slice_stop = self._check_slice_in_range( slice_start, slice_stop) # If non-range-based, just go through the values if not self._ranged_based: yield from self.__the_values[slice_start: slice_stop] return # Range-based, so go through the ranges that intersect the slice # Find the first range within the slice ranges = self.iter_ranges() (start, stop, value) = next(ranges) while stop < slice_start: (start, stop, value) = next(ranges) # Continue until outside of the slice while start < slice_stop: first = max(start, slice_start) end_point = min(stop, slice_stop) for _ in range(end_point - first): yield value try: (start, stop, value) = next(ranges) except StopIteration: return
[docs] @overrides(AbstractList.iter_ranges) def iter_ranges(self) -> Iterator[_RangeType]: # If range based just yield the ranges if self._ranged_based: yield from self.__the_ranges return # If non-range based, build the ranges previous_value = self.__the_values[0] previous_start = 0 current_start = 0 current_value = None any_value = False for start, value in enumerate(self.__the_values): current_start = start current_value = value if not _eq(value, previous_value): yield (previous_start, start, previous_value) previous_start = start previous_value = value any_value = True if any_value: yield (previous_start, current_start + 1, cast(T, current_value))
[docs] @overrides(AbstractList.iter_ranges_by_slice) def iter_ranges_by_slice( self, slice_start: int, slice_stop: int) -> Iterator[_RangeType]: slice_start, slice_stop = self._check_slice_in_range( slice_start, slice_stop) # If range-based, go through ranges that intersect the slice if self._ranged_based: for (start, stop, value) in self.__the_ranges: if slice_start < stop: # The range is updated so that the start and stop values # are within the slice requested yield (max(start, slice_start), min(stop, slice_stop), value) if slice_stop <= stop: break return # If non-range based, just go through the values previous_value = self.__the_values[slice_start] previous_start = slice_start for index, value in enumerate( self.__the_values[slice_start: slice_stop]): if not _eq(value, previous_value): # Index is one ahead so no need for a + 1 here yield (previous_start, slice_start + index, previous_value) previous_start = slice_start + index previous_value = value yield (previous_start, slice_stop, previous_value)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs] @final def is_list(self, value: _ValueType, size: Optional[int]) -> TypeGuard[_ListType]: """ Determines if the value should be treated as a list. :param value: The value to examine. """ return self.listness_check(value)
[docs] def listness_check(self, value: _ValueType) -> bool: """ Easier to override in subclasses as not type guard. .. note:: This method can be extended to add other checks for list in which case :py:meth:`as_list` must also be extended. :param value: The value to examine. """ # Assume any iterable is a list if callable(value): return True return not is_singleton(value)
[docs] def as_list( self, value: _ListType, size: int, ids: Optional[IdsType] = None) -> List[T]: """ Converts (if required) the value into a list of a given size. An exception is raised if value cannot be given size elements. .. note:: This method can be extended to add other conversions to list in which case :py:meth:`listness_check` must also be extended. :param value: :return: value as a list :raises Exception: if the number of values and the size do not match """ if callable(value): values = list(function_iterator(value, size, ids)) else: values = list(value) if len(values) != size: raise ValueError(f"The number of values:{len(values)} " f"does not equal the size:{size}") return values
[docs] def set_value(self, value: _ValueType, use_list_as_value=False): """ Sets *all* elements in the list to this value. .. note:: Does not change the default. :param value: new value :param use_list_as_value: True if the value to be set *is* a list """ # If the value to set is a list, just copy the values if not use_list_as_value and self.is_list(value, self._size): self._ranges = self.as_list(value, self._size) self._ranged_based = False # Otherwise store the value directly assuming it is the same value # for all items else: self._ranges = [(0, self._size, value)] self._ranged_based = True
[docs] def set_value_by_id(self, the_id: int, value: T): """ Sets the value for a single ID to the new value. .. note:: This method only works for a single positive int ID. Use ``set`` or ``__set__`` for slices, tuples, lists and negative indexes. :param int the_id: Single ID :param object value: The value to save """ the_id = self._check_id_in_range(the_id) # If non-range-based, set the value directly if not self._ranged_based: self.__the_values[the_id] = value return # Find the range in which to set the value for idx, (start, stop, old_value) in enumerate(self.__the_ranges): if the_id < stop: break else: return # If already set as needed, do nothing if _eq(value, old_value): return ranges = self.__the_ranges # Split the ID out of the range ranges[idx] = (the_id, the_id + 1, value) # Need a new range after the ID if the_id + 1 < stop: ranges.insert(idx + 1, (the_id + 1, stop, old_value)) # Need a new range before the ID if the_id > start: ranges.insert(idx, (start, the_id, old_value)) # If not at the last range, update the start and stop value of # the next range if idx < len(ranges) - 1: if _eq(ranges[idx][2], ranges[idx + 1][2]): ranges[idx] = ( ranges[idx][0], ranges[idx + 1][1], ranges[idx + 1][2]) ranges.pop(idx + 1) # If not at the first range, update the start and stop value # of the first range if idx > 0: if _eq(ranges[idx][2], ranges[idx - 1][2]): ranges[idx - 1] = ( ranges[idx - 1][0], ranges[idx][1], ranges[idx][2]) ranges.pop(idx)
[docs] def set_value_by_slice( self, slice_start: int, slice_stop: int, value: _ValueType, use_list_as_value=False): """ Sets the value for a single range to the new value. .. note:: This method only works for a single positive range. Use ``set`` or ``__set__`` for slices, tuples, lists and negative indexes. :param int slice_start: Start of the range :param int slice_stop: Exclusive end of the range :param object value: The value to save """ slice_start, slice_stop = self._check_slice_in_range( slice_start, slice_stop) if slice_start == slice_stop: return # Empty list so do nothing # If the value to set is a list, set the values directly if not use_list_as_value and self.is_list( value, size=slice_stop - slice_start): return self._set_values_list(range(slice_start, slice_stop), value) # If non-ranged-based, set the values directly if not self._ranged_based: for id_value in range(slice_start, slice_stop): self.__the_values[id_value] = cast(T, value) return # Skip ranges before start of slice ranges = self.__the_ranges index = 0 while index < len(ranges) - 1 and ranges[index][1] <= slice_start: index += 1 # Strip off start of first range in case needed (_start, _stop, old_value) = ranges[index] # If the slice to set starts after the current range, # we may need a new range before the key if slice_start > _start: # If the values are different, add a new range with the old value if not _eq(value, old_value): ranges.insert(index, (_start, slice_start, old_value)) # We have added a value so move on one index += 1 # Change start of old range but leave value for now ranges[index] = (slice_start, _stop, old_value) (_start, _stop, old_value) = ranges[index] # Existing already has this value so start the slice to set # at the start of this range else: slice_start = _start # Merge with next if overlaps with that one while slice_stop > _stop: (_start, _stop, old_value) = ranges.pop(index + 1) ranges[index] = (slice_start, _stop, old_value) # Split off end of merged range if required if slice_stop < _stop: ranges[index] = (slice_start, slice_stop, old_value) ranges.insert(index+1, (slice_stop, _stop, old_value)) # merge with previous if same value if index > 0 and _eq(ranges[index-1][2], value): ranges[index-1] = (ranges[index-1][0], slice_stop, value) ranges.pop(index) index -= 1 # merge with next if same value if index < len(ranges) - 1 and _eq(ranges[index+1][2], value): ranges[index] = (ranges[index][0], ranges[index + 1][1], value) ranges.pop(index + 1) # set the value in case missed elsewhere ranges[index] = (ranges[index][0], ranges[index][1], value)
def _set_values_list(self, ids: IdsType, value: _ListType): values = self.as_list(value=value, size=len(ids), ids=ids) for id_value, val in zip(ids, values): self.set_value_by_id(id_value, val)
[docs] def set_value_by_ids( self, ids: IdsType, value: _ValueType, use_list_as_value=False): """ Sets a already existing key to the new value. For the ids specified. :param str key: :type ids: iter(int) or numpy.array :param value: """ if not use_list_as_value and self.is_list(value, len(ids)): self._set_values_list(ids, value) else: for id_value in ids: self.set_value_by_id(id_value, cast(T, value))
[docs] def set_value_by_selector( self, selector: Selector, value: _ValueType, use_list_as_value=False): """ Support for the ``list[x] =`` format. :param selector: A single ID, a slice of IDs or a list of IDs :type selector: int or slice or list(int) :param object value: """ if selector is None: self.set_value(value, use_list_as_value=use_list_as_value) return if isinstance(selector, slice): # Handle a slice if selector.step is None or selector.step == 1: (start, stop, _) = selector.indices(self._size) self.set_value_by_slice( start, stop, value, use_list_as_value=use_list_as_value) return ids = self.selector_to_ids(selector) self.set_value_by_ids( ids=ids, value=value, use_list_as_value=use_list_as_value)
__setitem__ = set_value_by_selector
[docs] def get_ranges(self) -> List[_RangeType]: """ Returns a copy of the list of ranges. .. note:: As this is a copy it will not reflect any updates. :rtype: list(tuple(int,int,object)) """ if self._ranged_based: return list(self.__the_ranges) return list(self.iter_ranges())
[docs] def set_default(self, default: Optional[T]): """ Sets the default value. .. note:: Does not change the value of any element in the list. :param object default: new default value """ self._default = default
[docs] @overrides(AbstractList.get_default, extend_doc=False) def get_default(self) -> Optional[T]: """ Returns the default value for this list. :return: Default Value :rtype: object """ try: return self._default except AttributeError as e: raise AttributeError("Default value not set.") from e
[docs] def copy_into(self, other: RangedList[T]): """ Turns this List into a of the other list but keep its ID. Depth is just enough so that any changes done through the RangedList API on other will not change self :param RangedList other: Another Ranged List to copy the values from """ # Assume the _default and key remain unchanged self._ranged_based = other.range_based() # clear the list fast and 2.7 safe self._ranges *= 0 if self._ranged_based: self.__the_ranges.extend(other.iter_ranges()) else: self.__the_values.extend(other)
[docs] def copy(self) -> RangedList[T]: """ Creates a copy of this list. Depth is just enough so that any changes done through the RangedList API on other will not change self :return: The copy :rtype: RangedList """ clone: RangedList[T] = RangedList( self._size, self._default, self._key) clone.copy_into(self) return clone