Source code for spinn_utilities.citation.citation_aggregator

# Copyright (c) 2018 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import os
import yaml
import io
import importlib
import argparse
import sys
from .citation_updater_and_doi_generator import CitationUpdaterAndDoiGenerator

ENCODING = "utf-8"

REQUIREMENTS_FILE = "requirements.txt"
C_REQUIREMENTS_FILE = "c_requirements.txt"
PYPI_TO_IMPORT_FILE = "pypi_to_import"

REFERENCE_TYPE = "software"
REFERENCES_DATE_TYPE = "date-released"

CITATION_DOI_TYPE = 'identifier'

[docs]class CitationAggregator(object): """ Helper class for building a citation file which references all dependencies. """
[docs] def create_aggregated_citation_file( self, module_to_start_at, aggregated_citation_file): """ Entrance method for building the aggregated citation file. :param module_to_start_at: the top level module to figure out its citation file for :type module_to_start_at: python module :param str aggregated_citation_file: file name of aggregated citation file """ # get the top citation file to add references to top_citation_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(module_to_start_at.__file__))), CITATION_FILE) modules_seen_so_far = set() modules_seen_so_far.add("") # Make sure the empty entry is absent with open(top_citation_file_path, encoding=ENCODING) as stream: top_citation_file = yaml.safe_load(stream) top_citation_file[REFERENCES_YAML_POINTER] = list() # get the dependency list requirements_file_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath( module_to_start_at.__file__))), REQUIREMENTS_FILE) c_requirements_file_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath( module_to_start_at.__file__))), C_REQUIREMENTS_FILE) # attempt to get python PYPI to import command map pypi_to_import_map_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath( module_to_start_at.__file__))), PYPI_TO_IMPORT_FILE) pypi_to_import_map = None if os.path.isfile(pypi_to_import_map_file): pypi_to_import_map = self._read_pypi_import_map( pypi_to_import_map_file) if os.path.isfile(requirements_file_path): with open(requirements_file_path, encoding="utf-8") as r_file: for line in r_file: module = line.strip() if module.startswith("#"): continue if module not in modules_seen_so_far: import_name = pypi_to_import_map.get(module, module) # pylint: disable=broad-except try: imported_module = importlib.import_module( import_name) self._handle_python_dependency( top_citation_file, imported_module, modules_seen_so_far, pypi_to_import_map[module]) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover print("Error handling python dependency " f"{module}: {e}") if os.path.isfile(c_requirements_file_path): with open(c_requirements_file_path, encoding=ENCODING) as r_file: for line in r_file: module = line.strip() if module.startswith("#"): continue if module not in modules_seen_so_far: self._handle_c_dependency( top_citation_file, module, modules_seen_so_far) # write citation file with updated fields with aggregated_citation_file, 'w', encoding=ENCODING) as outfile: yaml.dump(top_citation_file, outfile, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True)
@staticmethod def _read_pypi_import_map(aggregated_citation_file): """ Read the PYPI to import name map. :param str aggregated_citation_file: path to the PYPI map file :return: map between PYPI names and import names :rtype: dict(str,str) """ pypi_to_import_map = dict() with open(aggregated_citation_file, encoding=ENCODING) as f: for line in f: [pypi, import_command] = line.split(":") pypi_to_import_map[pypi] = import_command.split("\n")[0] return pypi_to_import_map def _handle_c_dependency( self, top_citation_file, module, modules_seen_so_far): """ Handle a C code dependency. :param str top_citation_file: YAML file for the top citation file :param str module: module to find :param set(str) modules_seen_so_far: """ cleaned_path = self.locate_path_for_c_dependency(module) if cleaned_path is not None: # process reference reference_entry = self._process_reference( cleaned_path, None, modules_seen_so_far, module) # append to the top citation file top_citation_file[REFERENCES_YAML_POINTER].append( reference_entry) self._search_for_other_c_references( reference_entry, cleaned_path, modules_seen_so_far) else: print(f"Could not find C dependency {module}")
[docs] @staticmethod def locate_path_for_c_dependency(true_software_name): """ :param str true_software_name: :rtype: str or None """ environment_path_variable = os.environ.get('PATH') if environment_path_variable is not None: software_paths = environment_path_variable.split(":") for software_path in software_paths: # clear path to have repository name at end last_version = None cleaned_path = software_path while ((cleaned_path != last_version) and ( not (cleaned_path.split(os.sep)[-1] == true_software_name))): last_version = cleaned_path cleaned_path = os.path.dirname(cleaned_path) if cleaned_path != last_version: return cleaned_path return None
def _search_for_other_c_references( self, reference_entry, software_path, modules_seen_so_far): """ Go though the top level path and tries to locate other CFF files that need to be added to the references pile. :param dict(str,list(str)) reference_entry: The reference entry to add new dependencies as references for. :param str software_path: the path to search in :param set(str) modules_seen_so_far: """ for possible_extra_citation_file in os.listdir(software_path): if possible_extra_citation_file.endswith(".cff"): dependency_reference_entry = \ self._read_and_process_reference_entry( os.path.join(software_path, possible_extra_citation_file)) reference_entry[REFERENCES_YAML_POINTER] = list() reference_entry[REFERENCES_YAML_POINTER].append( dependency_reference_entry) modules_seen_so_far.add( possible_extra_citation_file.split(".")[0]) def _handle_python_dependency( self, top_citation_file, imported_module, modules_seen_so_far, module_name): """ Handle a python dependency. :param dict(str,list(str)) top_citation_file: YAML file for the top citation file :param imported_module: the actual imported module :type imported_module: ModuleType :param set(str) modules_seen_so_far: list of names of dependencies already processed :param str module_name: the name of this module to consider as a dependency :raises FileNotFoundError: """ # get modules citation file citation_level_dir = os.path.abspath(imported_module.__file__) m_path = module_name.replace(".", os.sep) last_citation_level_dir = None while (not citation_level_dir.endswith(m_path) and last_citation_level_dir != citation_level_dir): last_citation_level_dir = citation_level_dir citation_level_dir = os.path.dirname(citation_level_dir) if citation_level_dir == last_citation_level_dir: # pragma: no cover raise FileNotFoundError( f"Folder for module {module_name} not found") # get the reference data for the reference reference_entry = self._process_reference( citation_level_dir, imported_module, modules_seen_so_far, module_name) if reference_entry is not None: # append to the top citation file top_citation_file[REFERENCES_YAML_POINTER].append(reference_entry) def _process_reference( self, citation_level_dir, imported_module, modules_seen_so_far, module_name): """ Take a module level and tries to locate and process a citation file. :param str citation_level_dir: the expected level where the ``CITATION.cff`` should be :param imported_module: the module after being imported :type imported_module: python module :param set(str) modules_seen_so_far: list of dependencies already processed :return: the reference entry in JSON format :rtype: dict """ # if it exists, add it as a reference to the top one if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(citation_level_dir, CITATION_FILE)): reference_entry = self._read_and_process_reference_entry( os.path.join(citation_level_dir, CITATION_FILE)) # check that the file isn't one above (not installed, but developer # mode) elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(citation_level_dir)), CITATION_FILE)): reference_entry = self._read_and_process_reference_entry( os.path.join(os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(citation_level_dir)), CITATION_FILE)) # if no citation file exists, do an attempt to find a version to build # from else: # one from version reference_entry = self._try_to_find_version( imported_module, module_name) modules_seen_so_far.add(imported_module) return reference_entry @staticmethod def _try_to_find_version(imported_module, module_name): """ Try to locate a version file or version data to auto-generate minimal citation data. :param imported_module: the module currently trying to find the version of :type imported_module: python module :return: reference entry for this python module :rtype: dict """ reference_entry = dict() reference_entry[REFERENCES_TYPE_TYPE] = REFERENCES_SOFTWARE_TYPE reference_entry[REFERENCES_TITLE_TYPE] = module_name if (hasattr(imported_module, "__version_day__") and hasattr(imported_module, "__version_month__") and hasattr(imported_module, "__version_year__")): reference_entry[REFERENCES_DATE_TYPE] = \ CitationUpdaterAndDoiGenerator.\ convert_text_date_to_date( version_day=imported_module.__version_day__, version_month=imported_module.__version_month__, version_year=imported_module.__version_year__) if hasattr(imported_module, "__version__"): reference_entry[REFERENCES_VERSION_TYPE] = \ imported_module.__version__ elif hasattr(imported_module, "version"): reference_entry[REFERENCES_VERSION_TYPE] = \ imported_module.version elif hasattr(imported_module, "_version"): # pylint: disable=protected-access reference_entry[REFERENCES_VERSION_TYPE] = \ imported_module._version return reference_entry @staticmethod def _read_and_process_reference_entry(dependency_citation_file_path): """ Read a ``CITATION.cff`` and makes it a reference for a higher level citation file. :param str dependency_citation_file_path: path to a `CITATION.cff` file :return: reference entry for the higher level `CITATION.cff` :rtype: dict """ reference_entry = dict() with open(dependency_citation_file_path, 'r', encoding="utf-8") \ as stream: dependency_citation_file = yaml.safe_load(stream) reference_entry[REFERENCES_TYPE_TYPE] = REFERENCES_SOFTWARE_TYPE reference_entry[REFERENCES_AUTHORS_TYPE] = \ dependency_citation_file[REFERENCES_AUTHORS_TYPE] reference_entry[REFERENCES_TITLE_TYPE] = \ dependency_citation_file[REFERENCES_TITLE_TYPE] reference_entry[REFERENCES_CONTACT_TYPE] = \ dependency_citation_file[REFERENCES_CONTACT_TYPE] reference_entry[REFERENCES_VERSION_TYPE] = \ dependency_citation_file[REFERENCES_VERSION_TYPE] reference_entry[REFERENCES_DATE_TYPE] = \ dependency_citation_file[REFERENCES_DATE_TYPE] reference_entry[REFERENCES_URL_TYPE] = \ dependency_citation_file[REFERENCES_URL_TYPE] reference_entry[REFERENCES_REPO_TYPE] = \ dependency_citation_file[REFERENCES_REPO_TYPE] return reference_entry
[docs]def generate_aggregate(arguments=None): """ Command-line tool to generate a single ``citation.cff`` from others. :param list(str) arguments: Command line arguments. * ``--output_path``: \ Where to write the aggregate file * ``--top_module``: \ The module to start aggregating the ``citation.cff``\\s from * ``--doi_title``: \ The title of the DOI * ``--zenodo_access_token``: \ The access token for Zenodo * ``--tools_doi``: \ The DOI of the tools """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Aggregate Citations") parser.add_argument("output_path", help="The file to store the result in") parser.add_argument("top_module", help="The module to start with") parser.add_argument("--create_doi", action="store_true", help="Create a DOI from the resulting citation" " on Zenodo") parser.add_argument("--publish_doi", action="store_true", help="Publish the DOI created") parser.add_argument("--doi_title", help="The title to give the created DOI") parser.add_argument("--previous_doi", help="The DOI this is a newer version of") parser.add_argument("--zenodo_access_token", help="Access token for Zenodo") args = parser.parse_args(arguments) error = False if args.create_doi: # pragma: no cover if not args.doi_title: print("--doi_title required when creating a DOI") error = True if not args.previous_doi: print("--previous_doi required when creating a DOI") error = True if not args.zenodo_access_token: print("--zenodo_access_token required when creating a DOI") error = True if args.publish_doi and not args.create_doi: # pragma: no cover print("Cannot publish DOI without creating one") error = True if error: # pragma: no cover parser.print_usage() sys.exit() top_module = importlib.import_module(args.top_module) citation_aggregator = CitationAggregator() citation_aggregator.create_aggregated_citation_file( top_module, args.output_path) citation_updater_and_dio_generator = CitationUpdaterAndDoiGenerator() citation_updater_and_dio_generator.update_citation_file_and_create_doi( citation_file_path=args.output_path, doi_title=args.doi_title, create_doi=args.create_doi, publish_doi=args.publish_doi, previous_doi=args.previous_doi, zenodo_access_token=args.zenodo_access_token, module_path=os.path.dirname(top_module.__path__[0]))
if __name__ == "__main__": generate_aggregate() # pragma: no cover