Source code for spinn_utilities.config_holder

# Copyright (c) 2017 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
import os
import spinn_utilities.conf_loader as conf_loader
from spinn_utilities.configs import CamelCaseConfigParser
from spinn_utilities.exceptions import ConfigException
from spinn_utilities.log import FormatAdapter

# pylint: disable=global-statement
logger = FormatAdapter(logging.getLogger(__file__))

__config = None
__default_config_files = []
__config_file = None
__unittest_mode = False

[docs]def add_default_cfg(default): """ Adds an extra default configuration file to be read after earlier ones. :param str default: Absolute path to the configuration file """ if default not in __default_config_files: __default_config_files.append(default)
[docs]def clear_cfg_files(unittest_mode): """ Clears any previous set configurations and configuration files. After this method :py:func:`add_default_cfg` and :py:func:`set_cfg_files` need to be called. :param bool unittest_mode: Flag to put the holder into unit testing mode """ global __config, __config_file, __unittest_mode __config = None __default_config_files.clear() __config_file = None __unittest_mode = unittest_mode
[docs]def set_cfg_files(config_file, default): """ Adds the configuration files to be loaded. :param str config_file: The base name of the configuration file(s). Should not include any path components. :param str default: Full path to the extra file to get default configurations from. """ global __config_file __config_file = config_file add_default_cfg(default)
def _pre_load_config(): """ Loads configurations due to early access to a configuration value. :raises ConfigException: Raise if called before setup """ # If you getthis error during a unittest then unittest_step was not called if not __unittest_mode: raise ConfigException( "Accessing config values before setup is not supported") load_config()
[docs]def load_config(): """ Reads in all the configuration files, resetting all values. :raises ConfigException: If called before setting defaults """ global __config if not __default_config_files: raise ConfigException("No default configs set") if __config_file: __config = conf_loader.load_config( filename=__config_file, defaults=__default_config_files) else: __config = CamelCaseConfigParser() for default in __default_config_files:
[docs]def is_config_none(section, option): """ Check if the value of a configuration option would be considered None :param str section: What section to get the option from. :param str option: What option to read. :return: True if and only if the value would be considered None :rtype: bool """ value = get_config_str_or_none(section, option) return value is None
[docs]def get_config_str(section, option): """ Get the string value of a configuration option. :param str section: What section to get the option from. :param str option: What option to read. :return: The option value :rtype: str :raises ConfigException: if the Value would be None """ value = get_config_str_or_none(section, option) if value is None: raise ConfigException(f"Unexpected None for {section=} {option=}") return value
[docs]def get_config_str_or_none(section, option): """ Get the string value of a configuration option. :param str section: What section to get the option from. :param str option: What option to read. :return: The option value :rtype: str or None :raises ConfigException: if the Value would be None """ try: return __config.get_str(section, option) except AttributeError: pass _pre_load_config() return __config.get_str(section, option)
[docs]def get_config_str_list(section, option, token=","): """ Get the string value of a configuration option split into a list. :param str section: What section to get the option from. :param str option: What option to read. :param token: The token to split the string into a list :return: The list (possibly empty) of the option values :rtype: list(str) """ try: return __config.get_str_list(section, option, token) except AttributeError: pass _pre_load_config() return __config.get_str_list(section, option, token)
[docs]def get_config_int(section, option): """ Get the integer value of a configuration option. :param str section: What section to get the option from. :param str option: What option to read. :return: The option value :rtype: int :raises ConfigException: if the Value would be None """ value = get_config_int_or_none(section, option) if value is None: raise ConfigException(f"Unexpected None for {section=} {option=}") return value
[docs]def get_config_int_or_none(section, option): """ Get the integer value of a configuration option. :param str section: What section to get the option from. :param str option: What option to read. :return: The option value :rtype: int or None :raises ConfigException: if the Value would be None """ try: return __config.get_int(section, option) except AttributeError: pass _pre_load_config() return __config.get_int(section, option)
[docs]def get_config_float(section, option): """ Get the float value of a configuration option. :param str section: What section to get the option from. :param str option: What option to read. :return: The option value. :rtype: float :raises ConfigException: if the Value would be None """ value = get_config_float_or_none(section, option) if value is None: raise ConfigException(f"Unexpected None for {section=} {option=}") return value
[docs]def get_config_float_or_none(section, option): """ Get the float value of a configuration option. :param str section: What section to get the option from. :param str option: What option to read. :return: The option value. :rtype: float or None """ try: return __config.get_float(section, option) except AttributeError: pass _pre_load_config() return __config.get_float(section, option)
[docs]def get_config_bool(section, option): """ Get the boolean value of a configuration option. :param str section: What section to get the option from. :param str option: What option to read. :return: The option value. :rtype: bool :raises ConfigException: if the Value would be None """ value = get_config_bool_or_none(section, option) if value is None: raise ConfigException(f"Unexpected None for {section=} {option=}") return value
[docs]def get_config_bool_or_none(section, option): """ Get the boolean value of a configuration option. :param str section: What section to get the option from. :param str option: What option to read. :return: The option value. :rtype: bool :raises ConfigException: if the Value would be None """ try: return __config.get_bool(section, option) except AttributeError: pass _pre_load_config() return __config.get_bool(section, option)
[docs]def set_config(section, option, value): """ Sets the value of a configuration option. This method should only be called by the simulator or by unit tests. :param str section: What section to set the option in. :param str option: What option to set. :param object value: Value to set option to :raises ConfigException: If called unexpectedly """ if __config is None: if __unittest_mode: load_config() else: # The actual error is that load_config should be called before # set_config but this discourages the use outside of unittests raise ConfigException( "set_config should only be called by unittests " "which should have called unittest_setup") __config.set(section, option, value)
# Intentionally no try here to force tests that set to # load_default_configs before AND after
[docs]def has_config_option(section, option): """ Check if the section has this configuration option. :param str section: What section to check :param str option: What option to check. :rtype: bool :return: True if and only if the option is defined. It may be `None` """ try: return __config.has_option(section, option) except AttributeError: pass _pre_load_config() return __config.has_option(section, option)
[docs]def config_options(section): """ Return a list of option names for the given section name. :param str section: What section to list options for. """ return __config.options(section)
def _check_lines(py_path, line, lines, index, method): """ Support for `_check_python_file`. Gets section and option name. :param str line: Line with get_config call :param list(str) lines: All lines in the file :param int index: index of line with `get_config` call :raises ConfigException: If an unexpected or uncovered `get_config` found """ while ")" not in line: index += 1 line += lines[index] parts = line[line.find("(", line.find("get_config")) + 1: line.find(")")].split(",") section = parts[0].strip().replace("'", "").replace('"', '') option = parts[1].strip() if option[0] == "'": option = option.replace("'", "") elif option[0] == '"': option = option.replace('"', '') else: print(line) return try: method(section, option) except Exception as original: raise ConfigException( f"failed in line:{index} of file: {py_path} with " f"section:{section} option:{option}") from original def _check_python_file(py_path): """ A testing function to check that all the `get_config` calls work. :param str py_path: path to file to be checked :raises ConfigException: If an unexpected or uncovered `get_config` found """ with open(py_path, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as py_file: lines = py_file.readlines() for index, line in enumerate(lines): if "get_config_bool(" in line: _check_lines( py_path, line, lines, index, get_config_bool_or_none) if "get_config_float(" in line: _check_lines( py_path, line, lines, index, get_config_float_or_none) if "get_config_int(" in line: _check_lines( py_path, line, lines, index, get_config_int_or_none) if "get_config_str(" in line: _check_lines( py_path, line, lines, index, get_config_str_or_none) if "get_config_str_list(" in line: _check_lines(py_path, line, lines, index, get_config_str_list) def _check_python_files(directory): for root, _, files in os.walk(directory): for file_name in files: if file_name.endswith(".py"): py_path = os.path.join(root, file_name) _check_python_file(py_path) def _find_double_defaults(repeaters=None): """ Testing function to identify any configuration options in multiple default files. :param repeaters: List of options that are expected to be repeated. :type repeaters: None or list(str) :raises ConfigException: If two defaults configuration files set the same value """ config1 = CamelCaseConfigParser() for default in __default_config_files[:-1]: config2 = CamelCaseConfigParser()[-1]) if repeaters is None: repeaters = [] else: repeaters = map(config2.optionxform, repeaters) for section in config2.sections(): for option in config2.options(section): if config1.has_option(section, option): if option not in repeaters: raise ConfigException( f"cfg:{__default_config_files[-1]} " f"repeats [{section}]{option}") def _check_cfg_file(config1, cfg_path): """ Support method for :py:func:`check_cfgs`. :param CamelCaseConfigParser config1: :param str cfg_path: :raises ConfigException: If an unexpected option is found """ config2 = CamelCaseConfigParser() for section in config2.sections(): if not config1.has_section(section): raise ConfigException( f"cfg:{cfg_path} has unexpected section [{section}]") for option in config2.options(section): if not config1.has_option(section, option): raise ConfigException( f"cfg:{cfg_path} " f"has unexpected options [{section}]{option}") def _check_cfgs(path): """ A testing function check local configuration files against the defaults. It only checks that the option exists in a default. It does not check if the option is used or if the value is the expected type. :param str path: Absolute path to the parent directory to search :raises ConfigException: If an unexpected option is found """ config1 = CamelCaseConfigParser() for default in __default_config_files: directory = os.path.dirname(path) for root, _, files in os.walk(directory): for file_name in files: if file_name.endswith(".cfg"): cfg_path = os.path.join(root, file_name) if cfg_path in __default_config_files: continue print(cfg_path) _check_cfg_file(config1, cfg_path)
[docs]def run_config_checks(directories, *, exceptions=None, repeaters=None): """ Master test. :param module: :param exceptions: :param repeaters: :raises ConfigException: If an incorrect directory passed in """ if isinstance(directories, str): directories = [directories] if exceptions is None: exceptions = [] elif isinstance(exceptions, str): exceptions = [exceptions] _find_double_defaults(repeaters) config1 = CamelCaseConfigParser() for directory in directories: if not os.path.isdir(directory): raise ConfigException(f"Unable find {directory}") for root, _, files in os.walk(directory): for file_name in files: if file_name in exceptions: pass elif file_name.endswith(".cfg"): cfg_path = os.path.join(root, file_name) if cfg_path in __default_config_files: continue print(cfg_path) _check_cfg_file(config1, cfg_path) elif file_name.endswith(".py"): py_path = os.path.join(root, file_name) _check_python_file(py_path)